Monday, December 17, 2007

Can Social Networks Change the Real World?

The United States is generally considered to be the most powerful country in the world. The head of this country is the President. The President is selected in a national election, but must first make it through the primaries.

The first state primaries generally predict who will be selected to run for the presidency. Not only do they predict, but they also influence. If someone believes after seeing these primaries that their candidate no longer has a chance, or vice versa, it can change their voting habits - they might not decide to bother.

Enter MySpace. They have decided to turn the system on its head by having their own primaries well before any other state. And we all know the reach of MySpace. As the linked article states, if it were a country, its population would make it nearly in the top ten most populous.

So maybe it will make a difference or maybe it will not. It is hard to say what the overall effect will be, but one thing is for sure. Many younger individuals who may care a lot about MySpace, but a lot less about politics may take interest. Politicians have tried for decades to bring these younger individuals to the polls. Will this be the year? As the elections have been so close in the past couple of years, is it possible that this incfluence could be enough to decide the leadership of the strongest nation in the world? Never underestimate MySpace!

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