Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Social Network for Mobile Operators: Warning

Adapt to web 2.0 or die. Warning for mobile operators.

Analytical Agency Arthur D. Little has prepared an analytical report which is the main appeal is "Use or lose profit!" The development of social networks and tools to enable users to create their own content and consume it as convenient to them, give operators potentsialny new source of revenue. But to take advantage of this source, operators need to greatly revise its approach. This is to renounce closed portals, own formats, high tariffs for the transmission of data and learn in every way encourage their active mobile communities.

More than 38% of young Europeans are already actively enjoy access to there own mail box from their mobile devices, and operators need to open access to already existing web 2.0 service. The lack of access to the provision that it would severely affect the operator income of these services.

What are the options available to mobile operators? - partnerships with major players web 2.0 (flickR, myspace and others), or self-development of competing services. Vodafone and 3 (formerly known as Hutchison 3G) has opted for the first option and choose to work with MySpace, Skype, Google, YouTube. Nevertheless, the report provides a more stable and less profitable option is to abandon all attempts to engage in the very web 2.0, and to concentrate on its key businesses - providing services for the transfer of data.

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