Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Social Networking Tips for Jobseekers

Beware. Those of you who have posted personal information online might be under surveillance. Jobs candidate who maintain profiles on social networking sites, may want to reconsider its content.

Employers are now increasingly using social networks to assess job applicants, verify CVs or even find ideal candidates based on online profile. As is true with any other domain, recruiting is forced to acknowledge the area, which has the highest footfalls or coming together of professionals outside their normal work spheres.

The trend that started a few years back in the tech industry is fast spreading. With the emergence of the concept of blogs and social networks such as MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, Linkedin, a growing number of people are leaving significant online footprints.

"As the cliched ‘war for talent’ managers are being forced to resort to taking unconventional and ‘out of the box’ measures to cope with this shortage. An online social networking site provides an unbiased, unmotivated and easily accessible source of checking out a potential employee without compromising his or her privacy," says Shiv Agrawal, ABC Consultant’s CEO.

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